
India's Tenth Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee Dies at the age of 93 (1924 - 2018)

 Atal Bihari Vajpayee was born on 25 Dec 1924 in Gwalior. During his youth he was a poet and nature lover. In early age he started political career as Hindu nationalist group Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and arrested in 1942 for protesting against British rule.  Vajpayee won his first election to parliament in 1957. During his political career, Vajpayee was one of the founders of Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP).  He served as India's prime minister three times. His first government for just 13 days in 1996, second government year in 1998 for 12 months and third government served full five-year term from 1999 to 2004. He was remebererd for Pokhran II nuclear tests in 1998. First US President Bill Clinton visited the country in year 2000 after 22 years; thereafter economic sanction imposed was finally lifted.  Vajpayee remained a bachelor his entire life. He adopted child Namita Bhattacharya, the daughter of longtime friend Rajkumari Kaul and BN Kaul.